Scientific publishing
for over 30 years

Born with Olivetti, 286 and MS-Dos, we have grown in programs
and knowledge, loyal to the scientific imprint that characterizes us.

About us

Mathematical composition
and publishing

CompoMat was created in 1990 by Gianni Maschio, a Rational Mechanics professor at La Sapienza University in Rome, and his wife Maria Teresa Martini. At that time the program TeX was taking hold in the field of mathematics, as the most suitable digital typesetting system for writing mathematics fluently. TeX later developed into LaTeX.
CompoMat is recognized as a national leader company in using TeX and LaTeX scientific writing systems. However, the Company guarantees highly professional standards also with other writing and graphic design programs.


Layout e conversione in LaTex di qualsiasi formato


We create simple and complex personalized layouts for Publishing houses and authors. Furthermore, we are able to convert any format into LaTeX

Progettazione e impaginazione in InDesign, LaTex e Word

Design and layout

We supervise a project starting from the style idea to the final product; we work on programs such as InDesign, LaTeX, Word

Redazione, editing e traduzioni

Writing and editing

Our editorial staff, in collaboration with external consultants, works on critical editing and translations

Disegni e grafici di funzioni matematiche


Using specific graphic design programs, we realize drawings, graphics based on mathematical functions and image editing

Corsi di Formazione di LaTex

Training courses

We offer training courses in LaTeX; handouts are provided

conversione in xml con fogli di stili


We manage and insert contents in CMS and in publishers’ digital platforms

Edizioni Compomat

In 2007 CompoMat started a new project publishing a scientific series for University Professors; later the project embraced also the literary and linguistic areas.

Our clients

We work for

Carocci Editore
Cea: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Egea: La casa Editrice dell'UniversitĂ  Bocconi
Hoepli Editore
Gruppo Maggioli
Suola Normale Superiore

Contact us